5 Ways to eliminate being biased when hiring candidates

We all are naturally biased, because the human brain can be influenced by various things. Even if they want to be fair, People subconsciously tend to be biased when they see things they like or love to see in a person. This is not an ideal way for an interview to look at the candidates walking in. Being biased based on looks, first impression and gender could cost the organisation at large if it ends up in a bad hiring decision. This is mainly because the interviewer may overshadow the candidates’ negatives by being biased. Below are some of the ways you could avoid racism, ageism and sexism and reduce the bias hiring processes.


4 things we can do to bridge the generation gap at workplace

An orgnisation consists of different kind of personalities and diverse set of individuals working on a common goal, to drive the business towards the success. Even though there is a common goal that is followed by all these individuals despite the skills and knowledge they possess organisations are bound to hire different people with different backgrounds and skills with the talent, expertise and experience required in order to carry out the business successfully.