Three Factors HR Looks at More Than Just Your Degree When Recruiting
In today's competitive job market, companies are constantly seeking out top talent to fill open positions. But with the rise of more diverse talents and different types of skillsets, employers are taking a different approach toward evaluating applicants in order to find their next great hire. If you're going to be successful in your job hunt, you need to make sure that you put yourself out there and try to impress potential employers. Even if your degree speaks for itself, which is true for many of us! — it's not enough to get an interview.
I have put together three factors that HR looks beyond your degree during the recruiting process:
Personal branding
One way to do this is by building a successful personal brand. This can have a very strong impact on recruiters when looking to hire employees. Why is personal branding important? Some people don’t focus on it because they think that it doesn’t help them get a job, but that is far from the truth. Being personal about who you are and your passions will give you an edge in the race for jobs and scholarships. When it comes to personal branding, one of the key components is being able to showcase what sets you apart from your competition. The more thought-provoking, unique, and compelling content that you create for your audience and for yourself, the better. For instance, focus on the content you share, write, and post. Use it to prove your drive, passion, and industry knowledge. If you’re interested in a specific career path, for example, share content related to it on your social channels. Anything that reflects an interest or expertise in that field is valuable because it shows hiring managers that you’re serious about pursuing it as a career.
Online courses
Education background is one of the most important factors employers look at when recruiting. However, if you don’t have a degree it’s okay. While a degree is still important, it may not be the only way to measure someone's ability to succeed in their new role. This is especially true if you have an open position that requires more than just a bachelor's degree. HR is not just looking at a degree but also many other alternative options such as online courses from google garage, HubSpot, LinkedIn etc.
You can always take small steps in your education that would impress a hiring manager. You can complete certificate programs related to the job and include those on your resume. Certificate programs are different from degrees. They do not require as much time and money, but they still offer valuable experience and knowledge in their field. If you have been out of school for some time, check out online courses and classes, which can help you get back on track with your education goals.
If you wish to join our team, we encourage you to take an online course from PeopleHR Academy.
Develop and showcase your abilities
If you're seeking a new job, the last thing you want is to come across as unprofessional for the sake of being polite. You need to make sure that your skills and abilities shine through.
It's true that there are certain skills you need to get a job. But soft skills are important, and many employers will look for them in their employees. Soft skills include communication, problem-solving, public speaking, teamwork and digital literacy. They're general skills that most employers look for when recruiting and are needed for most jobs. If you are able to demonstrate these skills during an interview process, then employers will be more likely to hire you. For example, if you do not have a degree in accounting, but can demonstrate strong analytical abilities, then you may be hired as an accountant even if you have not gone through any specific training courses relating to the position. In order to demonstrate your soft skills during an interview process, it is important that you practice talking about yourself and your skills in front of others. You should also take part in mock interviews with other people who are interested in finding employment with your company or organization.
To sum it up, do everything you can to get your name and skills out there, and don't be afraid to try a few different paths along the way. You never know what opportunities may present themselves. The key to getting your foot in the door is proving that you care about what you do, and that you have a strong work ethic. Don't limit yourself just because you don't have a degree or formal training. Good luck!