Why Your Organisation Needs to Adopt Remote Working Culture
The remote working culture had a boost in last year because of the coronavirus pandemic. But it was a business model which has been transforming work for a while. With the boost, it gains due to the pandemic situation it shows the results of how the companies carried out their business without any downfalls and how productive it was. Around the world, over 50% of the companies are now practising working from home and employees are willing to join for companies who are practising working from home culture. Transforming the old business model to virtual workplace takes some time, but it comes with a certain set of benefits which will help organisations to grow.
Increasing productivity
Productivity depends on the job role no matter if you are working from home or not. But according to the recent studies, remote employees are 13% more productive than employees who are working at the workplace. Organisations are now developing sustainable business models to regain their market capitalisation in this post-pandemic situation while continuing working from home.
Better work-life balance
Remote working helps employees to easily maintain a good work-life balance. Flexibility is one of the main features which will attract more millennials to the companies, and this will be a huge game-changing point. In 2025, 75% of the global workforce will be filled with millennials and this is the time for organisations to promote flexibility and attract the suitable millennial talents for their organisations because according to the research having an option to working from home is one of the top priorities for millennials.
Establishment of Eco-living environment
When organisations shift their working environment to virtual business platforms, it will help to reduce carbon footprint in the world. Purchasing office accessories, printing documents and business travels are also cancelled, and this will help massively on reducing the carbon footprint. Now businesses are using video conferencing as a communication method and the majority of the organisations are now using electronic documents to share classified details. By adopting digital methods companies can reduce tons of carbon footprint and can be recognised as a socially responsible and value-driven company.
Diversified talent pool
If your organisation is practising remote working culture you will be able to recruit anywhere around the world exceeding geographical barriers. Candidates also can apply for companies situated in different geographical locations. Recruiting from different geographies will help organisations to maintain a diverse workforce while increasing their talent pool.
Increase employee engagement
According to the recent surveys, employees who are working remotely is happier than who are working at the office. Full-time remote workers are 22% happier than normal workers and 13% of them are willing to stay with the company for more than five years. Employers also allowing their workforce to continue remote work because organisations are aware of the cost that they need to spend on hiring a new employee and always trying to retain their talents.
Reduce operational costs
Office spaces are huge expenses for companies. Even if you own the premises you must pay for expenses like electricity, water, internet etc. If most of your employees are working remotely organisations can cut off so many unwanted costs in this difficult period. If we take a real-world example, United States patent examiners are now working from home and this initiative helps them to reduce $38.2 million.